Home > Falls coming, open the windows and save

Falls coming, open the windows and save

September 17th, 2008 at 10:08 pm

I'm happy. For the last 3-4 days the weather has been in the 70's and we haven't had to turn on the air. Our home is all electric, so our bills range in the amounts of $80-$140 depending on the time of year. However, when I see Spring or Fall coming, I'm so happy. Lower bills!

To save, we just open the windows and let the cool breeze come through. If it gets a little bit stuffy, we turn on the ceiling fans. At night, it's even cooler so we open the windows just a little. Uh, how nice. We are heading towards the time of year that we will not need to turn on the air or heat. Probably for around 2 months.

It's nice being able to appreciate the simple things in life, isn't it?

2 Responses to “Falls coming, open the windows and save”

  1. Joan.of.the.Arch Says:

    I would be so happy, too, but we soon will be into the period where my spouse-mouse has to retreat to a sealed up house in order to avoid the asthma triggers as best he can. Frown But last night I kept the windows open to hear the crickets which are out in full force now. I love the gentle sound of crickets.

  2. mbkonef Says:

    I agree - I love the spring and fall weather. Warm days, cool nights and no need for either AC or heat! When my kids complain, I just day "open a window" or "close the window" depending upon the nature of the complaint. Love those lower bills this time of year.

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