Home > The gift of time is free

The gift of time is free

November 9th, 2008 at 10:29 pm

Today is my 16th year anniversary and my daughter's 11th birthday. We actually celebrated my daughter's birthday yesterday and had a great time. We took her to see High School Musical 3, had lunch at the Cheesecake Factory, took her shopping for clothes, and brought her two finches as pets. Okay, that is way more than we usually spend on birthdays, but she's doing so good as a home schooler and becoming so responsible. We decided to do more than less.

Okay, so today is my anniversary, 16 wonderful years that went incredibly fast. My husband said, "Let's just give each other the gift of time." I thought what a wonderful idea -- time. And, it's free. So we have been enjoying the day reminiscing, laughing, talking, and just having "together" time, ah.

What I know for sure, having all the money in the world or receiving the most expensive gifts will not bring me happiness or keep a happy marriage and home.

Ah, the "simplicities of life" really do work!

1 Responses to “The gift of time is free”

  1. dmontngrey Says:

    Happy anniversary to you and happy birthday to your daughter!

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