Home > Get taxes done for FREE

Get taxes done for FREE

January 31st, 2009 at 06:01 pm

Yes - for free. Is your adjusted gross income (AGI) less than $56,000? If so, you can prepare your taxes for free. Go to to prepare your federal taxes for free.

To get your state taxes prepared for free go to your state income tax website. There you should be able to prepare and e-file your taxes for free, if they offer it. Most states offer the free service. If you prepare your state taxes on the "free" federal website they will charge you for preparing the state taxes. If you are expecting a refund, you can e-file for free, and get your refund deposited into your bank account within 10 days.

Truth -- this world's system is set up to separate you from your hard-earned money, so keep as much as you can.

Do you pay to get your taxes done or do them yourself?

4 Responses to “Get taxes done for FREE”

  1. Amber Says:

    Thanks for the tip. Your local urban league also file your taxes for free, I think if your income is less than 80K

  2. Nika Says:

    This should be free to everyone!
    The system is already in place, electronic filing takes them less time to process, and why should we pay extra for the privilege of giving up 40% or our income? I just don't understand it.

  3. MarianneJ Says:

    Thanks for pointing this out to me, Sharman! I have been using an online program and getting my federal taxes e-filed for free but thought I'd have to pay $10 to e-file my state taxes. I never would have thought to check my state website directly, but I did and I can now e-file my state tax return for free. Smile

  4. whitestripe Says:

    in australia we have a program you can download from the government website which is called e-tax, its a quick easy way of doing your taxes. otherwise you can get the paper form from newsagents and fill that out. i would say most people do their taxes themselves here, unless it gets a bit tricky with capital gains or sole trading businesses. then you would get an accountant to do them for you. but since i was 16 i have always done my own taxes Smile

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