Home > As You Get Older Does “Quality” Matter More?

As You Get Older Does “Quality” Matter More?

May 19th, 2011 at 07:14 pm

I’m starting to notice something about myself. As I get older quality is more important then quantity. Matter of fact, getting the cheapest deal doesn’t give me the same satisfaction and gratification as it once did. I’ve learned that you get what you pay for. Sometimes paying that extra $10, $20, $25, or $50 to get a better landscaper, cleaner, hotel, meal, or “experience” is so worth it. Matter of fact, quality can make all the difference in the world when it means having a good experience, great time, or feeling this really sucks. I’m at a season in my life that I will pay extra to have better quality and experiences.

I enjoy vacationing at four or five star resorts or hotels. I expect the amenities, food, room, furniture, bedding, landscaping, service, and environment to be a little more special. I do not eat food out of boxes, packaged, and of low caliber at home. Why should I have to compromise my standards at a restaurant or hotel that I pay my hard-earned money for? Additionally, my home is very clean, so I expect a hotel room or restaurant to be twice as clean as my home.

Anyone that knows me can attest to the fact that I am frugal. Saving money is wonderful, but not if my comfort, enjoyment, quality of service, and the experience have been compromised.

This is my “new normal,” when I’m paying for things my standard and expectations are at a different level. First, I want people to do what they say they will do. Second, I want consistency in service, products, merchandise. Third, when I pay for quality give me what I pay for.

As you get older does quality matter more?

4 Responses to “As You Get Older Does “Quality” Matter More?”

  1. LuckyRobin Says:

    Oh, yes, I really think that it does. Especially when it comes to comfort. There are certain hotels that I stayed in as a young adult which I will not stay in now at 41 because the mattresses are just not good. I will pay a little extra for a great mattress. What's the point of doing anything if you can't sleep at night? You won't enjoy the next day if you're all achey and sleep deprived. I'll still try to find deals for my nicer hotel, but won't feel quite so bad if I can't find one.

  2. rob62521 Says:

    Yes, I would agree with you. I'd prefer to travel less, but stay at a nicer place. I'd rather have fewer shoes, but have well made comfortable ones. Maybe we have learned that it's not having the most toys, but being satisfied with what we have is important.

  3. Mozaik Says:

    I love to travel but have a different take and different expectations. I don't live in either a 4 or 5 star neighborhood in my city nor do I drive the most expensive cars. When we eat out, except for a really special celebration like major job promotion or milestone anniversary, we don't choose the most expensive *trendy* restaurant either.

    I seek adventure and new experiences when I travel and try to find opportunities to meet the locals, eat local specialties, travel on public transportation and shop in their bazaars. I can always stay at a 5 star, big chain hotel/resort in my city or when I need to stay at conference central, it doesn't even matter which's the same experience down to the housekeeper who speaks a foreign language.

    I'd far rather stay at a businessmen's 3 star hotel with the amenities I need and use. If I wanted a super luxe experience, I can drive 90 minutes to our nearby world class resort. We take our international clients there and visitors who expect to go but it is certainly the most boring place after you get over oohing and aahing over the beautiful and thrilling environment.

  4. MonkeyMama Says:

    Interesting Discussion.

    Quality has always been important to me. I don't feel it is more important with age. For example, when we bought furniture for the kids, we bought them something that will last a lifetime. We may come across as *cheap* with our cars, but I think Jerry makes a good point. We want a reliable car that will last 15-20 years. IT's not going to have leather seats and a moon roof. We focus on quality over luxury.

    As far as travel - I think you nail on the head why I hate traveling. I just never get a good night sleep no matter if the hotel is 3 or 5 stars. Having a high quality mattress is probably the most important thing I own (sleeping well translates positively into all aspects of my life). BUT, it does lower my tolerance for sleeping elsewhere. I've never seen the point to pay more for the "luxury" and so agree with Jerry on that one. I am young, but don't see changing my mind on that - our parents certainly haven't with age.

    We have always been willing to pay a little more for higher quality service, goods, etc. While being well aware that name brand and luxury mostly means little to us. So knowing we can pay on the lower end for real quality where it matters.

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